Friday, November 16, 2018

Blog Stage 6

While reading my classmate Athen Steele's post Uncle Sam, he came up with extensive list of why President Trump should not build a wall. I am neither pro or anti "build the wall" however he does bring up great points which are worth thinking about and researching. He brings up the topic of drugs entering the country, job loss to border patrol, and finical loss within the country. Athen states that "Some people think the wall would keep people out and also keep drugs from coming into our country. What people don't realize is that if bad people want to do bad things then they will find a way" (Steele). This is somewhat true and someone false, WOLA states that "U.S. officials estimate that 90 to 94 percent of heroin consumed in the United States today comes from Mexico, which is now producing about 70 tons per year" (Isacson). However, most of the drugs transported are not going across the border but through "ports of entry" which are small caves designed to transport drugs. The thought that people will lose jobs to the wall is ridiculous, people will firstly need to be hired to construct the wall, supply thousands of jobs to construction workers and others living on the border. Then their will also need to to be people to look after the wall and scout the areas near the wall. Lastly, this would be an operation that costs hundreds of millions if not billions of dollar to construct. However, if the wall would start to be constructed and President Trump does not get re-elected, I don't think the next President would waste all that money and put us in even more debt than we already are. The wall is something that could or could not be done, and I personally feel as if it will have little to no affect towards to fixing the United States drug epidemic or the crime wave in Mexico. 

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