Friday, November 2, 2018

Blog Stage 5

          For centuries now people have smoked and used marijuana for several different purposes. Ancient China was known for using hemp to do things like line pottery, and to make clothes and shoes. According to the UK Cannabis Internet Activist " 1972 an ancient burial site dating back to the Chou dynasty (1122-249 B.C.) was discovered. In it were fragments of cloth, some bronze containers, weapons, and pieces of jade. Inspection of the cloth showed it to be made of hemp, making this the oldest preserved specimen of hemp in existence". Marijuana has been found in ancient tombs in China and was also used a burial shroud in ancient China. Marijuana has been proven to be resourceful and less harmful than what people in the past previously thought.   
          Marijuana has been illegal in most states for 81 years now since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. California has had legalized medical marijuana since the 90's and recently states like Washington and Colorado have had marijuana legalized recreationally. Colorado made a record 1.5 billion dollars with marijuana sales in 2017. According to The Cannabist "Colorado collected upward of $247 million in taxes and fees revenue from marijuana sales, according to state finance data" (Wallace). Its time for the US government to take up and see what is front of them, states that legalize cannabis make hundred millions of dollars in taxes. That is enough for renovations to the cities in need, constructing roads or highways, or just doing anything that a certain city really needs. 

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