Monday, December 10, 2018

Comment on Yaseri's Government Blog.

In my classmate's blog, Yaseri's Government Blog, she discusses gun control and tighter restrictions on buying guns in Texas along with the US. Firstly, she states that "People are using guns as a way to commit suicide..." (Yaresi). She brings up a static that says two/thirds of all gun deaths have been suicide and this is a main reason for stricter gun laws. If a person is severely depressed and is contemplating suicide, they will find other ways than a firearm to do so. People battling with severe depression have wild decision making skills and don't know what they are doing most of the time and if they want to, they will take their life by any means necessary. She then states that "58% of Texas residents voted that there should be no more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun. Although the majority of the voters voted for no more restrictions, 6% of those voters voted that "only criminals and the mentally ill" should be restricted, 2% of the voters voted that we should "increase penalties for gun related crimes", and finally 2% of the voters voted for restrictions "only for assault weapons"" (Yaseri). This poll proves nothing, as the 58 percent of people who want no more restrictions on buying guns is the majority and the people who want more restrictions only amounts to 10 percent. However, guns have been a huge problem in areas like Chicago and Baltimore  and I believe there should be restrictions in those occasions. But for the most part, the 2nd amendment needs to be protected at all cost because if we deem one amendment unfit then we will look at all of them and then we could be discussing if we should have freedom of speech taken from us. 

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