Monday, December 10, 2018

Comment on Yaseri's Government Blog.

In my classmate's blog, Yaseri's Government Blog, she discusses gun control and tighter restrictions on buying guns in Texas along with the US. Firstly, she states that "People are using guns as a way to commit suicide..." (Yaresi). She brings up a static that says two/thirds of all gun deaths have been suicide and this is a main reason for stricter gun laws. If a person is severely depressed and is contemplating suicide, they will find other ways than a firearm to do so. People battling with severe depression have wild decision making skills and don't know what they are doing most of the time and if they want to, they will take their life by any means necessary. She then states that "58% of Texas residents voted that there should be no more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun. Although the majority of the voters voted for no more restrictions, 6% of those voters voted that "only criminals and the mentally ill" should be restricted, 2% of the voters voted that we should "increase penalties for gun related crimes", and finally 2% of the voters voted for restrictions "only for assault weapons"" (Yaseri). This poll proves nothing, as the 58 percent of people who want no more restrictions on buying guns is the majority and the people who want more restrictions only amounts to 10 percent. However, guns have been a huge problem in areas like Chicago and Baltimore  and I believe there should be restrictions in those occasions. But for the most part, the 2nd amendment needs to be protected at all cost because if we deem one amendment unfit then we will look at all of them and then we could be discussing if we should have freedom of speech taken from us. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Blog Stage 7

The topic of abortion has been a hot topic in the recent years. Abortion is the ending of pregnancy due to removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Their are people who identify themselves as pro-life or pro-choice, I am pro-life. The slaughter of an baby before it has even entered this world is cruel and wrong. The fact that people are wanting to legalize the killing of  a human life, is absurd. The murder of any life should not be legalized and should be a punishable offense. According to The Endowment For Human Development "About 3 weeks, one day after fertilization, is when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. Very soon thereafter, they can see the motion using ultrasound technology" (Campbell). According to the New York Times "not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around forty to forty-three days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to occur" (Gazzaniga). Most women don't get abortions until way after five or six weeks, so technically it could be considered murder. However, there are some exceptions to this, there are cases of woman getting raped and impregnated and want to get abortions because they don't want to constantly relive that memory through seeing that child. I would agree, and say that would be a tough thing to do, to have something horrible like rape happen to you and then have a child come out of that and see that child everyday would be rough. The aborting of a child is wrong and should never be considered while pregnant. If you are willing to have sex and not use protection then you should face the consequences of having a child.