Friday, October 19, 2018

Blog Stage 4

    In The Volokh Conspiracy article "Don't Take Too Much Comfort From Surveys Showing Widespread Opposition to "Political Correctness""  ( author Ilya Somin discusses "political correctness" and how it is affecting society today. According to a study done by Yascha Mounk and Robby Soave around 80% of Americans are not in favor of "political correctness". This goes across all ages and races, 82% of Asians and 87% believe political correctness is a problem according to the Mounk and Soave study. This is not just a race thing its a people thing, citizens want to be able to speak their mind without having someone harass them for saying something they believe.
    Political correctness is something we need to get rid of in this country, as Americans we are entitled to freedom of speech and to speak our mind. I'm not saying that I condone people saying something racist or discriminatory, its just that when the government says people can't say certain things then that will stretch to citizens not being able to say bad things about the government and coulee lead to censorship. If the government mandates what we say then we will not be truly free and America will not be what it stands for, which is freedom. 
    My generation is being told not to say the things they truly feel because it might hurt someone's feelings. America was built on being free, and having the choice to do or say whatever you want and if we try to change that, America will no longer be what it was. Political correctness is something that needs to get out of everyone's head and needs to be left alone to avoid citizens getting their freedoms taken away. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Blog Stage 3

The article written by The Editorial Board of the New York Times, talks about the Brett Kavanaugh case and its most crucial topics. The article discusses Kavanaugh's the crime of 1982 when he supposedly sexually assaulted and his credibility. Kavanaugh has already lied about the files that "...he claimed, implausibly, that he was not aware that files he received from a Senate staff member, some labeled “highly confidential” or “intel,” had been stolen from Democratic computers"(The New York Times). He quickly changes the subject and avoids when questions, when asked if he had ever blacked out from alcohol he states “I don’t know, have you?” Judge Kavanaugh clearly does this several times and it is very obvious. The article continues on about his mistakes but then discusses how this will affect the Supreme Court. this would be an embarrassment to the Supreme Court and "Some Republicans have warned that if Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination fails, no decent person will ever want to be put up for the Supreme Court again"(The New York Times ). The article does a great job of presenting facts in an orderly fashion over the hearing. The New York Times mostly aims to the Liberal side and does a great job of creating a story, based on facts, of the fall of Republican Brett Kavanaugh who took down Bill Clinton and played a huge part in the policies of George W. Bush which included torturing of detainees. Overall, I would agree with most of the things in this article, Brett Kavanaugh is definitely lying and can not be trusted. I would also agree that this would be a huge embarrassment to the national government to appoint someone like this, to one of the highest positions in our government. However, it is hard to judge someone for something they did 30 plus years ago. It makes for a interesting story and a great read for someone who wants to learn more about the case.