Friday, September 21, 2018

Blog Stage 2

Marilyn Lloyd, a pioneer in terms of women in politics, died this week. The first woman ever in Tennessee to hold a seat in Congress and did it with great success. She was put into the world of politics after her husband was killed in a plane crash. She held her ground on several things that she believed was right, even if it went against her party. Stood up for women's rights in the 90's and advocated for women's health after defeating breast cancer. This article is important to read because it tells the story of a pioneer in politics. A woman who truly stood up for what she believed in and did not let anything get in the way of that. Before her husbands death, her only experience in politics was helping her husband run, and was then through into the world of politics after his death. She adapted and overcame the odds. A woman who should be remembered for generations to come.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Welcome to the Best Blog on the Face of the Earth


I hope you all in enjoy this great US Government blog! It's going to be the perfect mixture of informative and interesting.